Upcoming events.

Community Calendar

We have so many things happening in our space each month that we needed a dedicate page to showcase them all! Here you will find events that are happening in our studio along with events that we LOVE out in the community. Have an event you want us to share? Let us know here.

Yoga Fundamentals

Yoga Fundamentals

This "Beginner Yoga" class is for someone who is brand new to yoga, or someone coming back after some time away. If you are seeking a foundational understanding of yoga postures (āsanas), breathing and energy awareness (pranayama), and an overall better balanced mind/body system this is the class for YOU.

This class will meet for 6 weeks during the Spring term of 2024, starting April 6th, with options for extending into a weekly class if there's further interest.

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MAY Sound Bath w/Hiroko

MAY Sound Bath w/Hiroko

Join us for our monthly sound bath offering with Hiroko. A SOUND BATH is a meditative experience during which a group of people lie down and listen to resonant sounds coming out of Crystal Bowls, Gongs, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Chimes, Tuning Forks, etc. for the purpose of relaxation, rejuvenation, grounding, and clearing the mind.

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Thrive Yoga

Thrive Yoga

Thrive Yoga
with Guest Teacher Alex!
Sundays 8am-9am
April 21st - June 16th

This practice begins with focused attention on abdominal breathing, to recharge and relax the mind and body. Asanas (yoga postures) are sequenced in a rhythmic pattern of strength to stretch, allowing practitioners to maintain a steady meditative flow. Asanas will have all level variations. Practitioners are welcome to stay strong and present in familiar asanas, or deepen their practice of flexibility, balance, and muscle activation.

**The inaugural Spring Session of this class is being offered on a donation, "pay what you will," basis from $5-$25. Toggle the selection on checkout. Contact us if you need further assistance.**

JOIN us at LiveWell for this exciting early-morning offering!

Classes continue through the Spring term (April - June)! Visit our class schedule page to sign up for further dates!

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May Rooted Breathwork Class 1

May Rooted Breathwork Class 1

2 Wednesday night classes in May!

Welcome to Rooted Breathwork Classes, an opportunity to learn more and experience your most powerful ally - your breath! Join us for an hour twice a month to explore your breath, learn techniques you can use everyday, to become more present, regulated and learn to breathe well. May classes are Wednesdays 5/8 & 5/22!

Using the theme “be like water”, from Lao Tzu and made popular by Bruce Lee, you will learn to build resiliency with your breath, and strength in your mind, which can impact how you show up in this confusing, sometimes painful yet beautiful world. Being rooted yet flowing.

Over this series, you will learn;

How to breathe optimally!

How to increase your self-awareness.

Functionality of your respiratory system.

Daily Breathwork exercises for calming & energizing.

Breathwork tips for better sleep.

Nervous System regulation tools.

Somatic practices for embodiment and grounding.

How to cultivate more presence.

Increase your capacity to feel pleasure.

Some of the benefits of a regular breathwork practise include;

Lowering blood pressure

Improving circulation

Improving digestion efficiency

Releasing toxins

Stimulating your vagus nerve

Regulating your nervous system

Reducing stress and anxiety

Improving your mood and self-esteem.

What past attendees have said about Rooted Breathwork Classes

“Your class is the perfect length and so gentle in guiding a “new breather” into relaxing into it and attuning to the breath”.

“Emerald creates a loving container of safety. Her presence is inclusive and welcoming. I felt comfortable showing up in this class and held in the breath work experience.”

Who is Rooted Breathwork Classes for?

Adults of all genders, who want to explore their breath. If you would like to have a deeper experience with your breath, check out Rooted Breathwork Circles being held on Sundays March 31, April 28, and May 19, 4-6.30pm at LiveWell Camas.

Who is Emerald May?

Emerald May is an international, Embodied Sex, Intimacy & Breathwork Coach, driven by a deep commitment to self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation. She centers her work on guiding individuals and parents to live a more embodied, connected and pleasure-filled life.

Like many of us, I am in a life-long un-learning around dismantling patriarchal, capitalist, colonial and racist culture and will hold space for you to the best of my ability having awareness of my privileged lived experience. I appreciate your feedback if you feel I am able to do better.

Please note that breathwork is not a substitute for consulting your medical or alternative healthcare provider. In the event of any known medical conditions (physical, mental or emotional), that could interfere with your judgment, or affect your health in any way during or after the session, please consult a health professional. By joining you consent to taking full responsibility for your own health and well-being and will be required to sign a consent waiver prior to the breathe.
You are welcome to email me hello@rootedpleasure.com with any questions.

I look forward to welcoming you home.

@rooted.breathwork // @rooted.pleasure


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Yoga Anatomy with Emi Nakayama

Yoga Anatomy with Emi Nakayama


This donation-based class will teach the alignment and awareness of individual yoga postures (āsanas). Class will start with a brief warm up and then settle into deep learning. Each āsana will be detailed throughout the whole body, and instructions will be given for adjustments and modifications to make a posture more accessible for all abilities and the goals of each practitioner. This class requires two blocks, one strap, one or two blankets, one bolster. If people personally can provide them, please bring them to the class. Studio has a few to borrow. All levels, beginners are welcome. This class also welcomes Chinese/Japanese language practitioners as Emi is multilingual!


瑜伽解剖学 - 从 2024 年 4 月 12 日开始,每周五下午 1:30-2:30。

这个基于捐赠的课程将教授个人瑜伽体式(āsana)的调整和意识。 课程将从简短的热身开始,然后进入深度学习。 详细说明每个体式的身体结构,并根据个人不同的身体特征给出调整和修改的方案,以使体式更适合每个练习者的身体特点和技能能力。 欢迎所有级别、初学者。 这个课程也欢迎中文/日文练习者,因为 Emi 会用多种语言指导!


ヨガの解剖学 - 2024年4月12日から毎週金曜日の午後1時30分から2時30分まで。

この寄付ベースのクラスでは、個々のヨガのポーズ (アーサナ) の調整と意識を教えます。 コースは簡単なウォームアップから始まり、その後、詳細な学習に移ります。 各ポーズの身体構造を詳細に説明し、個人の異なる身体的特徴に基づいて調整や修正を行い、各ポーズを施術者の身体的特徴やスキル能力に合わせてより適したものにします。 あらゆるレベル、初心者歓迎。 このクラスでは、Emi が多言語で指導しますので、中国語/日本語の実践者も歓迎します。

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Yoga Fundamentals

Yoga Fundamentals

This "Beginner Yoga" class is for someone who is brand new to yoga, or someone coming back after some time away. If you are seeking a foundational understanding of yoga postures (āsanas), breathing and energy awareness (pranayama), and an overall better balanced mind/body system this is the class for YOU.

This class will meet for 6 weeks during the Spring term of 2024, starting April 6th, with options for extending into a weekly class if there's further interest.

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Thrive Yoga

Thrive Yoga

Thrive Yoga
with Guest Teacher Alex!
Sundays 8am-9am
April 21st - June 16th

This practice begins with focused attention on abdominal breathing, to recharge and relax the mind and body. Asanas (yoga postures) are sequenced in a rhythmic pattern of strength to stretch, allowing practitioners to maintain a steady meditative flow. Asanas will have all level variations. Practitioners are welcome to stay strong and present in familiar asanas, or deepen their practice of flexibility, balance, and muscle activation.

**The inaugural Spring Session of this class is being offered on a donation, "pay what you will," basis from $5-$25. Toggle the selection on checkout. Contact us if you need further assistance.**

JOIN us at LiveWell for this exciting early-morning offering!

Classes continue through the Spring term (April - June)! Visit our class schedule page to sign up for further dates!

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Yoga Anatomy with Emi Nakayama

Yoga Anatomy with Emi Nakayama


This donation-based class will teach the alignment and awareness of individual yoga postures (āsanas). Class will start with a brief warm up and then settle into deep learning. Each āsana will be detailed throughout the whole body, and instructions will be given for adjustments and modifications to make a posture more accessible for all abilities and the goals of each practitioner. This class requires two blocks, one strap, one or two blankets, one bolster. If people personally can provide them, please bring them to the class. Studio has a few to borrow. All levels, beginners are welcome. This class also welcomes Chinese/Japanese language practitioners as Emi is multilingual!


瑜伽解剖学 - 从 2024 年 4 月 12 日开始,每周五下午 1:30-2:30。

这个基于捐赠的课程将教授个人瑜伽体式(āsana)的调整和意识。 课程将从简短的热身开始,然后进入深度学习。 详细说明每个体式的身体结构,并根据个人不同的身体特征给出调整和修改的方案,以使体式更适合每个练习者的身体特点和技能能力。 欢迎所有级别、初学者。 这个课程也欢迎中文/日文练习者,因为 Emi 会用多种语言指导!


ヨガの解剖学 - 2024年4月12日から毎週金曜日の午後1時30分から2時30分まで。

この寄付ベースのクラスでは、個々のヨガのポーズ (アーサナ) の調整と意識を教えます。 コースは簡単なウォームアップから始まり、その後、詳細な学習に移ります。 各ポーズの身体構造を詳細に説明し、個人の異なる身体的特徴に基づいて調整や修正を行い、各ポーズを施術者の身体的特徴やスキル能力に合わせてより適したものにします。 あらゆるレベル、初心者歓迎。 このクラスでは、Emi が多言語で指導しますので、中国語/日本語の実践者も歓迎します。

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Thrive Yoga

Thrive Yoga

Thrive Yoga
with Guest Teacher Alex!
Sundays 8am-9am
April 21st - June 16th

This practice begins with focused attention on abdominal breathing, to recharge and relax the mind and body. Asanas (yoga postures) are sequenced in a rhythmic pattern of strength to stretch, allowing practitioners to maintain a steady meditative flow. Asanas will have all level variations. Practitioners are welcome to stay strong and present in familiar asanas, or deepen their practice of flexibility, balance, and muscle activation.

**The inaugural Spring Session of this class is being offered on a donation, "pay what you will," basis from $5-$25. Toggle the selection on checkout. Contact us if you need further assistance.**

JOIN us at LiveWell for this exciting early-morning offering!

Classes continue through the Spring term (April - June)! Visit our class schedule page to sign up for further dates!

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May Rooted Breathwork CIRCLE

May Rooted Breathwork CIRCLE

Welcome to Rooted Breathwork Circle – a sanctuary where you can find connection, personal growth, healing & wholing. Rooted Breathwork Circles are a 2.5 hour nurturing space to open your heart, to practice being in community, to experience the power of your breath.

What is the intention for Rooted Breathwork Circle?

Our intention is to co-create a confidential container that flows with the needs of the group, offering people the opportunity to:

🌬️Feel and express emotions, in real time.

🌬️Share the unique experiences of life in community.

🌬️Be held in a breathwork journey to reveal hidden aspects of you.

🌬️Deepen connection to yourself.

🌬️Learn to reduce stress, manage anxiety, or increase your energy.

Please arrive on time, we will begin at 4.10pm.

What can you expect during the Circle?

🌬️ Breath: Be guided on an insightful Conscious Connected Breathwork Journey.

🌬️ Sound: Open your throat and express your truth, be authentic.

🌬️ Movement: Embody your experience through guided and free flow movement.

🌬️Circle: Providing community to witness, hold and celebrate you.

How Can Breathwork Help?

A regular breathwork practice has the power to rewire neural pathways and support you in connecting to your authentic self. Increasing self-awareness can help you become more present, break damaging cycles, shift reactionary patterns, and overcome unhelpful habits. It requires self-compassion, self-acceptance and self-responsibility. We work together to strengthen your relationship with yourself, your family, and those around you, connecting you more deeply with living your life with integrity and authenticity. Breathwork can offer numerous additional health benefits, including toxin release, improved immune function, increased lung capacity, anxiety reduction, and relief from depression.

What past attendees have said about Rooted Breathwork Circles…

“A powerful experience to connect to the body and dwell in it more deeply. Unique and transformative”

“Emerald’s Breathwork Circle opened up a space where I could set aside space for myself to learn and heal in spaces I didn’t realize existed and needed healed.”

“I walked away feeling like a piece of my heart was healed and at peace.”

Why am I offering Circles?

In a world that ceaselessly marches forward, urging us to be relentlessly "productive," we must grant ourselves the grace to connect, to treasure our worth, and to nourish our spirits. This is a sacred space, like the hush of the forest at twilight, where we consciously choose to pause, to embrace self-discovery, and to welcome self-care as gently as a spring breeze.

People have gathered in circles for millennia, across many ancient cultures worldwide. Much like their origins, Rooted Breathwork Circles are a space to share resource, wisdom, stories, to witness and be seen.

Over the years, we have lost the experience of healing and wholing in community. I believe it takes a village and I want to be part of remembering how, in supporting our fellow neighbors, peers and friends, we also support ourselves, and there is a positive effect that ripples out into the community. I use practices from restorative justice and my celtic lineage.

Let's carve out this sacred space, not only for ourselves but also for the well-being of our community.

Who is Rooted Breathwork Circle for?

Adults of all genders, who want to explore their inner landscapes, their breath, and being in circle. Please ensure you have completed this waiver prior to attending https://bit.ly/RBLiveWell24. If you would like to explore more functional breathing techniques you can use daily, check out my twice monthly Rooted Breathwork Classes .

Please bring:

Yoga mat if you have one

Comfortable clothes you can move and lay down in

Warm socks


Bottle of water

Any object that helps you feel connected to yourself

Notebook/paper and pen

What is Conscious Connected Breathwork?

Conscious Connected Breathwork (CCB), also known as rebirthing breathwork, offers a secure and gentle path to reconnect with your breath consciously and rhythmically, without interruptions. You are lovingly guided with music and voice and encouraged to remain in embodied consent with how deep you are wanting to breathe. Through CCB, you discover the power to regulate your nervous system and willingly enter altered states of consciousness, almost like exploring non-ordinary realities.

Why consider Conscious Connected Breathwork?

As children, we aren't typically taught how to embrace our emotions in a fully embodied way, leaving these experiences trapped within our bodies. The result? Blocked energy that manifests as physical, emotional, and mental distress, along with a sense of disconnection from both ourselves and others. CCB serves as a transformative gateway to safely navigate and integrate your inner emotional landscapes, release pent-up tension, and access deep pleasure, all while reconnecting with your unique sense of wholeness.

The Journey with Conscious Connected Breathwork

Conscious Connected Breathing focuses on diaphragmatic breath, utilizing your entire lung capacity. It provides crucial support to your nervous system and allows your emotional and physical self to complete its natural stress response cycle. It's common to experience intense emotions during a breathwork session, and in this space, I offer compassion and non-judgmental support, inviting you to surrender to your experience fully. I am trauma-informed, which means I have taken additional trainings in learning how to support clients experiencing trauma responses in the moment. I am not a trauma therapist or a trauma coach. If you know you have experienced trauma and are currently working through trauma, please consult your therapist/practitioner and reach out to me to discuss your suitability for this circle.

Who is Emerald May?

Emerald May is an international, certified breathwork & intimacy coach, driven by a deep commitment to self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation. She centers her work on guiding individuals and parents to live a more authentic, connected and pleasure-filled life.

Like many of us, I am in a life-long un-learning around dismantling patriarchal, capitalist, colonial and racist culture and will hold space for you to the best of my ability having awareness of my privileged lived experience. I appreciate your feedback if you feel I am able to do better. Please be aware that during breathwork, past traumas may surface into your awareness. If you feel you need more support prior to the circles or afterwards, please reach out and we can discuss if I am the right person to support you, or I may refer you to someone else.

Please note that breathwork is not a substitute for consulting your medical or alternative healthcare provider. By joining you consent to taking full responsibility for your own health and well-being and will be required to *sign a consent waiver prior to the breathe.

I look forward to welcoming you home.

@rooted.breathwork // @rooted.pleasure

*sign consent waiver


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May Rooted Breathwork Class 2

May Rooted Breathwork Class 2

Final Wednesday night class in this spring series!

Welcome to Rooted Breathwork Classes, an opportunity to learn more and experience your most powerful ally - your breath! Join us for an hour twice a month to explore your breath, learn techniques you can use everyday, to become more present, regulated and learn to breathe well. Wednesdays 5/22 from 6:30-7:3pm!

Using the theme “be like water”, from Lao Tzu and made popular by Bruce Lee, you will learn to build resiliency with your breath, and strength in your mind, which can impact how you show up in this confusing, sometimes painful yet beautiful world. Being rooted yet flowing.

Over this series, you will learn;

How to breathe optimally!

How to increase your self-awareness.

Functionality of your respiratory system.

Daily Breathwork exercises for calming & energizing.

Breathwork tips for better sleep.

Nervous System regulation tools.

Somatic practices for embodiment and grounding.

How to cultivate more presence.

Increase your capacity to feel pleasure.

Some of the benefits of a regular breathwork practise include;

Lowering blood pressure

Improving circulation

Improving digestion efficiency

Releasing toxins

Stimulating your vagus nerve

Regulating your nervous system

Reducing stress and anxiety

Improving your mood and self-esteem.

What past attendees have said about Rooted Breathwork Classes

“Your class is the perfect length and so gentle in guiding a “new breather” into relaxing into it and attuning to the breath”.

“Emerald creates a loving container of safety. Her presence is inclusive and welcoming. I felt comfortable showing up in this class and held in the breath work experience.”

Who is Rooted Breathwork Classes for?

Adults of all genders, who want to explore their breath. If you would like to have a deeper experience with your breath, check out Rooted Breathwork Circles being held on Sundays March 31, April 28, and May 19, 4-6.30pm at LiveWell Camas.

Who is Emerald May?

Emerald May is an international, Embodied Sex, Intimacy & Breathwork Coach, driven by a deep commitment to self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation. She centers her work on guiding individuals and parents to live a more embodied, connected and pleasure-filled life.

Like many of us, I am in a life-long un-learning around dismantling patriarchal, capitalist, colonial and racist culture and will hold space for you to the best of my ability having awareness of my privileged lived experience. I appreciate your feedback if you feel I am able to do better.

Please note that breathwork is not a substitute for consulting your medical or alternative healthcare provider. In the event of any known medical conditions (physical, mental or emotional), that could interfere with your judgment, or affect your health in any way during or after the session, please consult a health professional. By joining you consent to taking full responsibility for your own health and well-being and will be required to sign a consent waiver prior to the breathe.
You are welcome to email me hello@rootedpleasure.com with any questions.

I look forward to welcoming you home.

@rooted.breathwork // @rooted.pleasure


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Yoga Anatomy with Emi Nakayama

Yoga Anatomy with Emi Nakayama


This donation-based class will teach the alignment and awareness of individual yoga postures (āsanas). Class will start with a brief warm up and then settle into deep learning. Each āsana will be detailed throughout the whole body, and instructions will be given for adjustments and modifications to make a posture more accessible for all abilities and the goals of each practitioner. This class requires two blocks, one strap, one or two blankets, one bolster. If people personally can provide them, please bring them to the class. Studio has a few to borrow. All levels, beginners are welcome. This class also welcomes Chinese/Japanese language practitioners as Emi is multilingual!


瑜伽解剖学 - 从 2024 年 4 月 12 日开始,每周五下午 1:30-2:30。

这个基于捐赠的课程将教授个人瑜伽体式(āsana)的调整和意识。 课程将从简短的热身开始,然后进入深度学习。 详细说明每个体式的身体结构,并根据个人不同的身体特征给出调整和修改的方案,以使体式更适合每个练习者的身体特点和技能能力。 欢迎所有级别、初学者。 这个课程也欢迎中文/日文练习者,因为 Emi 会用多种语言指导!


ヨガの解剖学 - 2024年4月12日から毎週金曜日の午後1時30分から2時30分まで。

この寄付ベースのクラスでは、個々のヨガのポーズ (アーサナ) の調整と意識を教えます。 コースは簡単なウォームアップから始まり、その後、詳細な学習に移ります。 各ポーズの身体構造を詳細に説明し、個人の異なる身体的特徴に基づいて調整や修正を行い、各ポーズを施術者の身体的特徴やスキル能力に合わせてより適したものにします。 あらゆるレベル、初心者歓迎。 このクラスでは、Emi が多言語で指導しますので、中国語/日本語の実践者も歓迎します。

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Thrive Yoga

Thrive Yoga

Thrive Yoga
with Guest Teacher Alex!
Sundays 8am-9am
April 21st - June 16th

This practice begins with focused attention on abdominal breathing, to recharge and relax the mind and body. Asanas (yoga postures) are sequenced in a rhythmic pattern of strength to stretch, allowing practitioners to maintain a steady meditative flow. Asanas will have all level variations. Practitioners are welcome to stay strong and present in familiar asanas, or deepen their practice of flexibility, balance, and muscle activation.

**The inaugural Spring Session of this class is being offered on a donation, "pay what you will," basis from $5-$25. Toggle the selection on checkout. Contact us if you need further assistance.**

JOIN us at LiveWell for this exciting early-morning offering!

Classes continue through the Spring term (April - June)! Visit our class schedule page to sign up for further dates!

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Yoga Anatomy with Emi Nakayama

Yoga Anatomy with Emi Nakayama


This donation-based class will teach the alignment and awareness of individual yoga postures (āsanas). Class will start with a brief warm up and then settle into deep learning. Each āsana will be detailed throughout the whole body, and instructions will be given for adjustments and modifications to make a posture more accessible for all abilities and the goals of each practitioner. This class requires two blocks, one strap, one or two blankets, one bolster. If people personally can provide them, please bring them to the class. Studio has a few to borrow. All levels, beginners are welcome. This class also welcomes Chinese/Japanese language practitioners as Emi is multilingual!


瑜伽解剖学 - 从 2024 年 4 月 12 日开始,每周五下午 1:30-2:30。

这个基于捐赠的课程将教授个人瑜伽体式(āsana)的调整和意识。 课程将从简短的热身开始,然后进入深度学习。 详细说明每个体式的身体结构,并根据个人不同的身体特征给出调整和修改的方案,以使体式更适合每个练习者的身体特点和技能能力。 欢迎所有级别、初学者。 这个课程也欢迎中文/日文练习者,因为 Emi 会用多种语言指导!


ヨガの解剖学 - 2024年4月12日から毎週金曜日の午後1時30分から2時30分まで。

この寄付ベースのクラスでは、個々のヨガのポーズ (アーサナ) の調整と意識を教えます。 コースは簡単なウォームアップから始まり、その後、詳細な学習に移ります。 各ポーズの身体構造を詳細に説明し、個人の異なる身体的特徴に基づいて調整や修正を行い、各ポーズを施術者の身体的特徴やスキル能力に合わせてより適したものにします。 あらゆるレベル、初心者歓迎。 このクラスでは、Emi が多言語で指導しますので、中国語/日本語の実践者も歓迎します。

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Yoga Anatomy with Emi Nakayama

Yoga Anatomy with Emi Nakayama


This donation-based class will teach the alignment and awareness of individual yoga postures (āsanas). Class will start with a brief warm up and then settle into deep learning. Each āsana will be detailed throughout the whole body, and instructions will be given for adjustments and modifications to make a posture more accessible for all abilities and the goals of each practitioner. This class requires two blocks, one strap, one or two blankets, one bolster. If people personally can provide them, please bring them to the class. Studio has a few to borrow. All levels, beginners are welcome. This class also welcomes Chinese/Japanese language practitioners as Emi is multilingual!


瑜伽解剖学 - 从 2024 年 4 月 12 日开始,每周五下午 1:30-2:30。

这个基于捐赠的课程将教授个人瑜伽体式(āsana)的调整和意识。 课程将从简短的热身开始,然后进入深度学习。 详细说明每个体式的身体结构,并根据个人不同的身体特征给出调整和修改的方案,以使体式更适合每个练习者的身体特点和技能能力。 欢迎所有级别、初学者。 这个课程也欢迎中文/日文练习者,因为 Emi 会用多种语言指导!


ヨガの解剖学 - 2024年4月12日から毎週金曜日の午後1時30分から2時30分まで。

この寄付ベースのクラスでは、個々のヨガのポーズ (アーサナ) の調整と意識を教えます。 コースは簡単なウォームアップから始まり、その後、詳細な学習に移ります。 各ポーズの身体構造を詳細に説明し、個人の異なる身体的特徴に基づいて調整や修正を行い、各ポーズを施術者の身体的特徴やスキル能力に合わせてより適したものにします。 あらゆるレベル、初心者歓迎。 このクラスでは、Emi が多言語で指導しますので、中国語/日本語の実践者も歓迎します。

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April Rooted Breathwork CIRCLE

April Rooted Breathwork CIRCLE

Welcome to Rooted Breathwork Circle – a sanctuary where you can find connection, personal growth, healing & wholing. Rooted Breathwork Circles are a 2.5 hour nurturing space to open your heart, to practice being in community, to experience the power of your breath.

What is the intention for Rooted Breathwork Circle?

Our intention is to co-create a confidential container that flows with the needs of the group, offering people the opportunity to:

🌬️Feel and express emotions, in real time.

🌬️Share the unique experiences of life in community.

🌬️Be held in a breathwork journey to reveal hidden aspects of you.

🌬️Deepen connection to yourself.

🌬️Learn to reduce stress, manage anxiety, or increase your energy.

Please arrive on time, we will begin at 4.10pm.

What can you expect during the Circle?

🌬️ Breath: Be guided on an insightful Conscious Connected Breathwork Journey.

🌬️ Sound: Open your throat and express your truth, be authentic.

🌬️ Movement: Embody your experience through guided and free flow movement.

🌬️Circle: Providing community to witness, hold and celebrate you.

How Can Breathwork Help?

A regular breathwork practice has the power to rewire neural pathways and support you in connecting to your authentic self. Increasing self-awareness can help you become more present, break damaging cycles, shift reactionary patterns, and overcome unhelpful habits. It requires self-compassion, self-acceptance and self-responsibility. We work together to strengthen your relationship with yourself, your family, and those around you, connecting you more deeply with living your life with integrity and authenticity. Breathwork can offer numerous additional health benefits, including toxin release, improved immune function, increased lung capacity, anxiety reduction, and relief from depression.

What past attendees have said about Rooted Breathwork Circles…

“A powerful experience to connect to the body and dwell in it more deeply. Unique and transformative”

“Emerald’s Breathwork Circle opened up a space where I could set aside space for myself to learn and heal in spaces I didn’t realize existed and needed healed.”

“I walked away feeling like a piece of my heart was healed and at peace.”

Why am I offering Circles?

In a world that ceaselessly marches forward, urging us to be relentlessly "productive," we must grant ourselves the grace to connect, to treasure our worth, and to nourish our spirits. This is a sacred space, like the hush of the forest at twilight, where we consciously choose to pause, to embrace self-discovery, and to welcome self-care as gently as a spring breeze.

People have gathered in circles for millennia, across many ancient cultures worldwide. Much like their origins, Rooted Breathwork Circles are a space to share resource, wisdom, stories, to witness and be seen.

Over the years, we have lost the experience of healing and wholing in community. I believe it takes a village and I want to be part of remembering how, in supporting our fellow neighbors, peers and friends, we also support ourselves, and there is a positive effect that ripples out into the community. I use practices from restorative justice and my celtic lineage.

Let's carve out this sacred space, not only for ourselves but also for the well-being of our community.

Who is Rooted Breathwork Circle for?

Adults of all genders, who want to explore their inner landscapes, their breath, and being in circle. Please ensure you have completed this waiver prior to attending https://bit.ly/RBLiveWell24. If you would like to explore more functional breathing techniques you can use daily, check out my twice monthly Rooted Breathwork Classes .

Please bring:

Yoga mat if you have one

Comfortable clothes you can move and lay down in

Warm socks


Bottle of water

Any object that helps you feel connected to yourself

Notebook/paper and pen

What is Conscious Connected Breathwork?

Conscious Connected Breathwork (CCB), also known as rebirthing breathwork, offers a secure and gentle path to reconnect with your breath consciously and rhythmically, without interruptions. You are lovingly guided with music and voice and encouraged to remain in embodied consent with how deep you are wanting to breathe. Through CCB, you discover the power to regulate your nervous system and willingly enter altered states of consciousness, almost like exploring non-ordinary realities.

Why consider Conscious Connected Breathwork?

As children, we aren't typically taught how to embrace our emotions in a fully embodied way, leaving these experiences trapped within our bodies. The result? Blocked energy that manifests as physical, emotional, and mental distress, along with a sense of disconnection from both ourselves and others. CCB serves as a transformative gateway to safely navigate and integrate your inner emotional landscapes, release pent-up tension, and access deep pleasure, all while reconnecting with your unique sense of wholeness.

The Journey with Conscious Connected Breathwork

Conscious Connected Breathing focuses on diaphragmatic breath, utilizing your entire lung capacity. It provides crucial support to your nervous system and allows your emotional and physical self to complete its natural stress response cycle. It's common to experience intense emotions during a breathwork session, and in this space, I offer compassion and non-judgmental support, inviting you to surrender to your experience fully. I am trauma-informed, which means I have taken additional trainings in learning how to support clients experiencing trauma responses in the moment. I am not a trauma therapist or a trauma coach. If you know you have experienced trauma and are currently working through trauma, please consult your therapist/practitioner and reach out to me to discuss your suitability for this circle.

Who is Emerald May?

Emerald May is an international, certified breathwork & intimacy coach, driven by a deep commitment to self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation. She centers her work on guiding individuals and parents to live a more authentic, connected and pleasure-filled life.

Like many of us, I am in a life-long un-learning around dismantling patriarchal, capitalist, colonial and racist culture and will hold space for you to the best of my ability having awareness of my privileged lived experience. I appreciate your feedback if you feel I am able to do better. Please be aware that during breathwork, past traumas may surface into your awareness. If you feel you need more support prior to the circles or afterwards, please reach out and we can discuss if I am the right person to support you, or I may refer you to someone else.

Please note that breathwork is not a substitute for consulting your medical or alternative healthcare provider. By joining you consent to taking full responsibility for your own health and well-being and will be required to *sign a consent waiver prior to the breathe.

I look forward to welcoming you home.

@rooted.breathwork // @rooted.pleasure

*sign consent waiver


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Thrive Yoga

Thrive Yoga

Thrive Yoga
with Guest Teacher Alex!
Sundays 8am-9am
April 21st - June 16th

This practice begins with focused attention on abdominal breathing, to recharge and relax the mind and body. Asanas (yoga postures) are sequenced in a rhythmic pattern of strength to stretch, allowing practitioners to maintain a steady meditative flow. Asanas will have all level variations. Practitioners are welcome to stay strong and present in familiar asanas, or deepen their practice of flexibility, balance, and muscle activation.

**The inaugural Spring Session of this class is being offered on a donation, "pay what you will," basis from $5-$25. Toggle the selection on checkout. Contact us if you need further assistance.**

JOIN us at LiveWell for this exciting early-morning offering!

Classes continue through the Spring term (April - June)! Visit our class schedule page to sign up for further dates!

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Yoga Fundamentals

Yoga Fundamentals

This "Beginner Yoga" class is for someone who is brand new to yoga, or someone coming back after some time away. If you are seeking a foundational understanding of yoga postures (āsanas), breathing and energy awareness (pranayama), and an overall better balanced mind/body system this is the class for YOU.

This class will meet for 6 weeks during the Spring term of 2024, starting April 6th, with options for extending into a weekly class if there's further interest.

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Yoga Anatomy with Emi Nakayama

Yoga Anatomy with Emi Nakayama


This donation-based class will teach the alignment and awareness of individual yoga postures (āsanas). Class will start with a brief warm up and then settle into deep learning. Each āsana will be detailed throughout the whole body, and instructions will be given for adjustments and modifications to make a posture more accessible for all abilities and the goals of each practitioner. This class requires two blocks, one strap, one or two blankets, one bolster. If people personally can provide them, please bring them to the class. Studio has a few to borrow. All levels, beginners are welcome. This class also welcomes Chinese/Japanese language practitioners as Emi is multilingual!


瑜伽解剖学 - 从 2024 年 4 月 12 日开始,每周五下午 1:30-2:30。

这个基于捐赠的课程将教授个人瑜伽体式(āsana)的调整和意识。 课程将从简短的热身开始,然后进入深度学习。 详细说明每个体式的身体结构,并根据个人不同的身体特征给出调整和修改的方案,以使体式更适合每个练习者的身体特点和技能能力。 欢迎所有级别、初学者。 这个课程也欢迎中文/日文练习者,因为 Emi 会用多种语言指导!


ヨガの解剖学 - 2024年4月12日から毎週金曜日の午後1時30分から2時30分まで。

この寄付ベースのクラスでは、個々のヨガのポーズ (アーサナ) の調整と意識を教えます。 コースは簡単なウォームアップから始まり、その後、詳細な学習に移ります。 各ポーズの身体構造を詳細に説明し、個人の異なる身体的特徴に基づいて調整や修正を行い、各ポーズを施術者の身体的特徴やスキル能力に合わせてより適したものにします。 あらゆるレベル、初心者歓迎。 このクラスでは、Emi が多言語で指導しますので、中国語/日本語の実践者も歓迎します。

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April Rooted Breathwork Class 2

April Rooted Breathwork Class 2

2 Wednesday night classes per month in April & May!

Welcome to Rooted Breathwork Classes, an opportunity to learn more and experience your most powerful ally - your breath! Join us for an hour twice a month to explore your breath, learn techniques you can use everyday, to become more present, regulated and learn to breathe well. April classes are Wednesdays 4/17 & 4/24!

Using the theme “be like water”, from Lao Tzu and made popular by Bruce Lee, you will learn to build resiliency with your breath, and strength in your mind, which can impact how you show up in this confusing, sometimes painful yet beautiful world. Being rooted yet flowing.

Over this series, you will learn;

How to breathe optimally!

How to increase your self-awareness.

Functionality of your respiratory system.

Daily Breathwork exercises for calming & energizing.

Breathwork tips for better sleep.

Nervous System regulation tools.

Somatic practices for embodiment and grounding.

How to cultivate more presence.

Increase your capacity to feel pleasure.

Some of the benefits of a regular breathwork practise include;

Lowering blood pressure

Improving circulation

Improving digestion efficiency

Releasing toxins

Stimulating your vagus nerve

Regulating your nervous system

Reducing stress and anxiety

Improving your mood and self-esteem.

What past attendees have said about Rooted Breathwork Classes

“Your class is the perfect length and so gentle in guiding a “new breather” into relaxing into it and attuning to the breath”.

“Emerald creates a loving container of safety. Her presence is inclusive and welcoming. I felt comfortable showing up in this class and held in the breath work experience.”

Who is Rooted Breathwork Classes for?

Adults of all genders, who want to explore their breath. If you would like to have a deeper experience with your breath, check out Rooted Breathwork Circles being held on Sundays March 31, April 28, and May 19, 4-6.30pm at LiveWell Camas.

Who is Emerald May?

Emerald May is an international, Embodied Sex, Intimacy & Breathwork Coach, driven by a deep commitment to self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation. She centers her work on guiding individuals and parents to live a more embodied, connected and pleasure-filled life.

Like many of us, I am in a life-long un-learning around dismantling patriarchal, capitalist, colonial and racist culture and will hold space for you to the best of my ability having awareness of my privileged lived experience. I appreciate your feedback if you feel I am able to do better.

Please note that breathwork is not a substitute for consulting your medical or alternative healthcare provider. In the event of any known medical conditions (physical, mental or emotional), that could interfere with your judgment, or affect your health in any way during or after the session, please consult a health professional. By joining you consent to taking full responsibility for your own health and well-being and will be required to sign a consent waiver prior to the breathe.
You are welcome to email me hello@rootedpleasure.com with any questions.

I look forward to welcoming you home.

@rooted.breathwork // @rooted.pleasure


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Annual Downtown Clean up

Annual Downtown Clean up

Join us for the Annual Downtown Clean up hosted by The Downtown Camas Association. Sunday April 21 we will meet at LiveWell Camas and roll our sleeves up to make clean up the grime of the winter months and make downtown pretty for the spring and summer seasons. This annual workday involves weeding, planting, spreading mulch, picking up garbage and a few special projects in front of the studio itself. Lunch is provided and there is lots of fun to be had. We look forward to seeing you, rolling up our sleeves and working hard to make our downtown gorgeous together!

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Thrive Yoga starts

Thrive Yoga starts

Thrive Yoga
with Guest Teacher Alex!
Sundays 8am-9am
April 21st - June 16th

This practice begins with focused attention on abdominal breathing, to recharge and relax the mind and body. Asanas (yoga postures) are sequenced in a rhythmic pattern of strength to stretch, allowing practitioners to maintain a steady meditative flow. Asanas will have all level variations. Practitioners are welcome to stay strong and present in familiar asanas, or deepen their practice of flexibility, balance, and muscle activation.

**The inaugural Spring Session of this class is being offered on a donation, "pay what you will," basis from $5-$25. Toggle the selection on checkout. Contact us if you need further assistance.**

JOIN us at LiveWell for this exciting early-morning offering!

Classes continue through the Spring term (April - June)! Visit our class schedule page to sign up for further dates!

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Yoga Fundamentals

Yoga Fundamentals

This "Beginner Yoga" class is for someone who is brand new to yoga, or someone coming back after some time away. If you are seeking a foundational understanding of yoga postures (āsanas), breathing and energy awareness (pranayama), and an overall better balanced mind/body system this is the class for YOU.

This class will meet for 6 weeks during the Spring term of 2024, starting April 6th, with options for extending into a weekly class if there's further interest.

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Yoga Anatomy with Emi Nakayama

Yoga Anatomy with Emi Nakayama


This donation-based class will teach the alignment and awareness of individual yoga postures (āsanas). Class will start with a brief warm up and then settle into deep learning. Each āsana will be detailed throughout the whole body, and instructions will be given for adjustments and modifications to make a posture more accessible for all abilities and the goals of each practitioner. This class requires two blocks, one strap, one or two blankets, one bolster. If people personally can provide them, please bring them to the class. Studio has a few to borrow. All levels, beginners are welcome. This class also welcomes Chinese/Japanese language practitioners as Emi is multilingual!


瑜伽解剖学 - 从 2024 年 4 月 12 日开始,每周五下午 1:30-2:30。

这个基于捐赠的课程将教授个人瑜伽体式(āsana)的调整和意识。 课程将从简短的热身开始,然后进入深度学习。 详细说明每个体式的身体结构,并根据个人不同的身体特征给出调整和修改的方案,以使体式更适合每个练习者的身体特点和技能能力。 欢迎所有级别、初学者。 这个课程也欢迎中文/日文练习者,因为 Emi 会用多种语言指导!


ヨガの解剖学 - 2024年4月12日から毎週金曜日の午後1時30分から2時30分まで。

この寄付ベースのクラスでは、個々のヨガのポーズ (アーサナ) の調整と意識を教えます。 コースは簡単なウォームアップから始まり、その後、詳細な学習に移ります。 各ポーズの身体構造を詳細に説明し、個人の異なる身体的特徴に基づいて調整や修正を行い、各ポーズを施術者の身体的特徴やスキル能力に合わせてより適したものにします。 あらゆるレベル、初心者歓迎。 このクラスでは、Emi が多言語で指導しますので、中国語/日本語の実践者も歓迎します。

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April Rooted Breathwork Class 1

April Rooted Breathwork Class 1

2 Wednesday night classes per month in April & May!

Welcome to Rooted Breathwork Classes, an opportunity to learn more and experience your most powerful ally - your breath! Join us for an hour twice a month to explore your breath, learn techniques you can use everyday, to become more present, regulated and learn to breathe well. April classes are Wednesdays 4/17 & 4/24!

Using the theme “be like water”, from Lao Tzu and made popular by Bruce Lee, you will learn to build resiliency with your breath, and strength in your mind, which can impact how you show up in this confusing, sometimes painful yet beautiful world. Being rooted yet flowing.

Over this series, you will learn;

How to breathe optimally!

How to increase your self-awareness.

Functionality of your respiratory system.

Daily Breathwork exercises for calming & energizing.

Breathwork tips for better sleep.

Nervous System regulation tools.

Somatic practices for embodiment and grounding.

How to cultivate more presence.

Increase your capacity to feel pleasure.

Some of the benefits of a regular breathwork practise include;

Lowering blood pressure

Improving circulation

Improving digestion efficiency

Releasing toxins

Stimulating your vagus nerve

Regulating your nervous system

Reducing stress and anxiety

Improving your mood and self-esteem.

What past attendees have said about Rooted Breathwork Classes

“Your class is the perfect length and so gentle in guiding a “new breather” into relaxing into it and attuning to the breath”.

“Emerald creates a loving container of safety. Her presence is inclusive and welcoming. I felt comfortable showing up in this class and held in the breath work experience.”

Who is Rooted Breathwork Classes for?

Adults of all genders, who want to explore their breath. If you would like to have a deeper experience with your breath, check out Rooted Breathwork Circles being held on Sundays March 31, April 28, and May 19, 4-6.30pm at LiveWell Camas.

Who is Emerald May?

Emerald May is an international, Embodied Sex, Intimacy & Breathwork Coach, driven by a deep commitment to self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation. She centers her work on guiding individuals and parents to live a more embodied, connected and pleasure-filled life.

Like many of us, I am in a life-long un-learning around dismantling patriarchal, capitalist, colonial and racist culture and will hold space for you to the best of my ability having awareness of my privileged lived experience. I appreciate your feedback if you feel I am able to do better.

Please note that breathwork is not a substitute for consulting your medical or alternative healthcare provider. In the event of any known medical conditions (physical, mental or emotional), that could interfere with your judgment, or affect your health in any way during or after the session, please consult a health professional. By joining you consent to taking full responsibility for your own health and well-being and will be required to sign a consent waiver prior to the breathe.
You are welcome to email me hello@rootedpleasure.com with any questions.

I look forward to welcoming you home.

@rooted.breathwork // @rooted.pleasure


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Little Warriors Yoga School YOGA CLUB

Little Warriors Yoga School YOGA CLUB

Join us Every Wednesday for the most FUN after school club ever!!!

This club is structured for children ages 4-10. Each week we practice yoga, challenge our balance, learn to breath, play games and have a whole lot of FUN together.

Yoga, strength, games, art and friends! We can’t wait to see you there.

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Yoga Fundamentals

Yoga Fundamentals

This "Beginner Yoga" class is for someone who is brand new to yoga, or someone coming back after some time away. If you are seeking a foundational understanding of yoga postures (āsanas), breathing and energy awareness (pranayama), and an overall better balanced mind/body system this is the class for YOU.

This class will meet for 6 weeks during the Spring term of 2024, starting April 6th, with options for extending into a weekly class if there's further interest.

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Yoga Anatomy with Emi Series Starts!

Yoga Anatomy with Emi Series Starts!


This donation-based class will teach the alignment and awareness of individual yoga postures (āsanas). Class will start with a brief warm up and then settle into deep learning. Each āsana will be detailed throughout the whole body, and instructions will be given for adjustments and modifications to make a posture more accessible for all abilities and the goals of each practitioner. This class requires two blocks, one strap, one or two blankets, one bolster. If people personally can provide them, please bring them to the class. Studio has a few to borrow. All levels, beginners are welcome. This class also welcomes Chinese/Japanese language practitioners as Emi is multilingual!


瑜伽解剖学 - 从 2024 年 4 月 12 日开始,每周五下午 1:30-2:30。

这个基于捐赠的课程将教授个人瑜伽体式(āsana)的调整和意识。 课程将从简短的热身开始,然后进入深度学习。 详细说明每个体式的身体结构,并根据个人不同的身体特征给出调整和修改的方案,以使体式更适合每个练习者的身体特点和技能能力。 欢迎所有级别、初学者。 这个课程也欢迎中文/日文练习者,因为 Emi 会用多种语言指导!


ヨガの解剖学 - 2024年4月12日から毎週金曜日の午後1時30分から2時30分まで。

この寄付ベースのクラスでは、個々のヨガのポーズ (アーサナ) の調整と意識を教えます。 コースは簡単なウォームアップから始まり、その後、詳細な学習に移ります。 各ポーズの身体構造を詳細に説明し、個人の異なる身体的特徴に基づいて調整や修正を行い、各ポーズを施術者の身体的特徴やスキル能力に合わせてより適したものにします。 あらゆるレベル、初心者歓迎。 このクラスでは、Emi が多言語で指導しますので、中国語/日本語の実践者も歓迎します。

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April Sound Bath w/Hiroko

April Sound Bath w/Hiroko

Join us for our monthly sound bath offering with Hiroko. A SOUND BATH is a meditative experience during which a group of people lie down and listen to resonant sounds coming out of Crystal Bowls, Gongs, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Chimes, Tuning Forks, etc. for the purpose of relaxation, rejuvenation, grounding, and clearing the mind.

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April First Friday: Spring into History!

April First Friday: Spring into History!


Capture Camas history with this special 10 year photography project! Share your modern photos and help others see your town in a whole new light! We are excited to share the 2nd Annual black and white photography contest for April’s “Spring into History” First Friday! The “Capture Camas History Contest” is seeking black and white photography submissions of all things Downtown Camas! Think architecture, art, friends, family, food, fun, and more! History happens now, and we want to see your moments of history in the making!

Explore the amazing history of Camas while celebrating Spring! April 5th, 5-8pm. Take part in a fun history trivia passport activity, historic walking tour, art shows, a photo contest, paper activities and games, after-hours shopping, dining, games, prizes, and more! And we have a special student-led event as well!

EatWell Camas will be in our space offering a fun spring themed kids craft to all the littles!

Be sure to check out the Downtown Camas Asian Culture Fair! 

Curated and organized by Camas High School Senior Fiona Zou.

Celebrate Asian dance, art, music, activities & more at the student run Downtown Camas Asian Culture Fair at April First Friday! This event within an event will be the culmination of the hard work and dedication from Camas High School Senior Fiona Zou, who has chosen to work with the DCA for her Senior Project to make this event a reality for the community!

Participating Organizations (Check back for updates!):

AAPI Youth Rising

API Forward Foundation

Asian American Youth Leadership Conference (C.A.C.A)

Camas High School Mandarin Booster Club

CCBA Chinese Language School 

FCC-Oregon/SWWA and Xiao Pengyou Chinese Heritage Camp

Jiaqi Chen, Guzheng Musician

Leslie McMillan, Artist

Make Us Visible

Norris Arts Studio & Gallery

Portland State University Cambodian Student Association

Randy Cole, Artist

White Lotus Dragon & Lion Dance

Yuki Origami /Portland Oregon Paper Shapers

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March Rooted Breathwork CIRCLE

March Rooted Breathwork CIRCLE

Welcome to Rooted Breathwork Circle – a sanctuary where you can find connection, personal growth, healing & wholing. Rooted Breathwork Circles are a 2.5 hour nurturing space to open your heart, to practice being in community, to experience the power of your breath.

What is the intention for Rooted Breathwork Circle?

Our intention is to co-create a confidential container that flows with the needs of the group, offering people the opportunity to:

🌬️Feel and express emotions, in real time.

🌬️Share the unique experiences of life in community.

🌬️Be held in a breathwork journey to reveal hidden aspects of you.

🌬️Deepen connection to yourself.

🌬️Learn to reduce stress, manage anxiety, or increase your energy.

Please arrive on time, we will begin at 4.10pm.

What can you expect during the Circle?

🌬️ Breath: Be guided on an insightful Conscious Connected Breathwork Journey.

🌬️ Sound: Open your throat and express your truth, be authentic.

🌬️ Movement: Embody your experience through guided and free flow movement.

🌬️Circle: Providing community to witness, hold and celebrate you.

How Can Breathwork Help?

A regular breathwork practice has the power to rewire neural pathways and support you in connecting to your authentic self. Increasing self-awareness can help you become more present, break damaging cycles, shift reactionary patterns, and overcome unhelpful habits. It requires self-compassion, self-acceptance and self-responsibility. We work together to strengthen your relationship with yourself, your family, and those around you, connecting you more deeply with living your life with integrity and authenticity. Breathwork can offer numerous additional health benefits, including toxin release, improved immune function, increased lung capacity, anxiety reduction, and relief from depression.

What past attendees have said about Rooted Breathwork Circles…

“A powerful experience to connect to the body and dwell in it more deeply. Unique and transformative”

“Emerald’s Breathwork Circle opened up a space where I could set aside space for myself to learn and heal in spaces I didn’t realize existed and needed healed.”

“I walked away feeling like a piece of my heart was healed and at peace.”

Why am I offering Circles?

In a world that ceaselessly marches forward, urging us to be relentlessly "productive," we must grant ourselves the grace to connect, to treasure our worth, and to nourish our spirits. This is a sacred space, like the hush of the forest at twilight, where we consciously choose to pause, to embrace self-discovery, and to welcome self-care as gently as a spring breeze.

People have gathered in circles for millennia, across many ancient cultures worldwide. Much like their origins, Rooted Breathwork Circles are a space to share resource, wisdom, stories, to witness and be seen.

Over the years, we have lost the experience of healing and wholing in community. I believe it takes a village and I want to be part of remembering how, in supporting our fellow neighbors, peers and friends, we also support ourselves, and there is a positive effect that ripples out into the community. I use practices from restorative justice and my celtic lineage.

Let's carve out this sacred space, not only for ourselves but also for the well-being of our community.

Who is Rooted Breathwork Circle for?

Adults of all genders, who want to explore their inner landscapes, their breath, and being in circle. Please ensure you have completed this waiver prior to attending https://bit.ly/RBLiveWell24. If you would like to explore more functional breathing techniques you can use daily, check out my twice monthly Rooted Breathwork Classes .

Please bring:

Yoga mat if you have one

Comfortable clothes you can move and lay down in

Warm socks


Bottle of water

Any object that helps you feel connected to yourself

Notebook/paper and pen

What is Conscious Connected Breathwork?

Conscious Connected Breathwork (CCB), also known as rebirthing breathwork, offers a secure and gentle path to reconnect with your breath consciously and rhythmically, without interruptions. You are lovingly guided with music and voice and encouraged to remain in embodied consent with how deep you are wanting to breathe. Through CCB, you discover the power to regulate your nervous system and willingly enter altered states of consciousness, almost like exploring non-ordinary realities.

Why consider Conscious Connected Breathwork?

As children, we aren't typically taught how to embrace our emotions in a fully embodied way, leaving these experiences trapped within our bodies. The result? Blocked energy that manifests as physical, emotional, and mental distress, along with a sense of disconnection from both ourselves and others. CCB serves as a transformative gateway to safely navigate and integrate your inner emotional landscapes, release pent-up tension, and access deep pleasure, all while reconnecting with your unique sense of wholeness.

The Journey with Conscious Connected Breathwork

Conscious Connected Breathing focuses on diaphragmatic breath, utilizing your entire lung capacity. It provides crucial support to your nervous system and allows your emotional and physical self to complete its natural stress response cycle. It's common to experience intense emotions during a breathwork session, and in this space, I offer compassion and non-judgmental support, inviting you to surrender to your experience fully. I am trauma-informed, which means I have taken additional trainings in learning how to support clients experiencing trauma responses in the moment. I am not a trauma therapist or a trauma coach. If you know you have experienced trauma and are currently working through trauma, please consult your therapist/practitioner and reach out to me to discuss your suitability for this circle.

Who is Emerald May?

Emerald May is an international, certified breathwork & intimacy coach, driven by a deep commitment to self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation. She centers her work on guiding individuals and parents to live a more authentic, connected and pleasure-filled life.

Like many of us, I am in a life-long un-learning around dismantling patriarchal, capitalist, colonial and racist culture and will hold space for you to the best of my ability having awareness of my privileged lived experience. I appreciate your feedback if you feel I am able to do better. Please be aware that during breathwork, past traumas may surface into your awareness. If you feel you need more support prior to the circles or afterwards, please reach out and we can discuss if I am the right person to support you, or I may refer you to someone else.

Please note that breathwork is not a substitute for consulting your medical or alternative healthcare provider. By joining you consent to taking full responsibility for your own health and well-being and will be required to *sign a consent waiver prior to the breathe.

I look forward to welcoming you home.

@rooted.breathwork // @rooted.pleasure

*sign consent waiver


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Kundalini Rebirthing Workshop

Kundalini Rebirthing Workshop

Kundalini Rebirthing is a deep practice that uses the technology of movement, breathwork, guided imagery, meditation and more to unlock stuck emotions and help clear subconscious patterning. We will work on recalibrating the nervous system in order to release imprints we hold in our body and energetic field.

Gong sound healing is part of this extraordinary experience!

Join us on this transformational journey of being reborn to your true essence. It’s an invitation to release old karmic patterning, raise your life force energy and become the master of your own illusion.

NO experience is necessary. Most of the practice is done sitting or lying down.

Please eat a light breakfast at least an hour before the workshop and arrive 10-15 minutes early to get set up and comfortable.

Bring water, a yoga mat, blanket(s)… and bolster if you have one.

We will have light snacks at the end of class to ensure you are fully grounded before heading back out into the world.

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March Rooted Breathwork Class 2

March Rooted Breathwork Class 2

2 Wednesday night classes per month in March, April & May!

Welcome to Rooted Breathwork Classes, an opportunity to learn more and experience your most powerful ally - your breath! Join us for an hour twice a month to explore your breath, learn techniques you can use everyday, to become more present, regulated and learn to breathe well.

Using the theme “be like water”, from Lao Tzu and made popular by Bruce Lee, you will learn to build resiliency with your breath, and strength in your mind, which can impact how you show up in this confusing, sometimes painful yet beautiful world. Being rooted yet flowing.

Over this series, you will learn;

How to breathe optimally!

How to increase your self-awareness.

Functionality of your respiratory system.

Daily Breathwork exercises for calming & energizing.

Breathwork tips for better sleep.

Nervous System regulation tools.

Somatic practices for embodiment and grounding.

How to cultivate more presence.

Increase your capacity to feel pleasure.

Some of the benefits of a regular breathwork practise include;

Lowering blood pressure

Improving circulation

Improving digestion efficiency

Releasing toxins

Stimulating your vagus nerve

Regulating your nervous system

Reducing stress and anxiety

Improving your mood and self-esteem.

What past attendees have said about Rooted Breathwork Classes

“Your class is the perfect length and so gentle in guiding a “new breather” into relaxing into it and attuning to the breath”.

“Emerald creates a loving container of safety. Her presence is inclusive and welcoming. I felt comfortable showing up in this class and held in the breath work experience.”

Who is Rooted Breathwork Classes for?

Adults of all genders, who want to explore their breath. If you would like to have a deeper experience with your breath, check out Rooted Breathwork Circles being held on Sundays March 31, April 28, and May 19, 4-6.30pm at LiveWell Camas.

Who is Emerald May?

Emerald May is an international, Embodied Sex, Intimacy & Breathwork Coach, driven by a deep commitment to self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation. She centers her work on guiding individuals and parents to live a more embodied, connected and pleasure-filled life.

Like many of us, I am in a life-long un-learning around dismantling patriarchal, capitalist, colonial and racist culture and will hold space for you to the best of my ability having awareness of my privileged lived experience. I appreciate your feedback if you feel I am able to do better.

Please note that breathwork is not a substitute for consulting your medical or alternative healthcare provider. In the event of any known medical conditions (physical, mental or emotional), that could interfere with your judgment, or affect your health in any way during or after the session, please consult a health professional. By joining you consent to taking full responsibility for your own health and well-being and will be required to sign a consent waiver prior to the breathe.
You are welcome to email me hello@rootedpleasure.com with any questions.

I look forward to welcoming you home.

@rooted.breathwork // @rooted.pleasure


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March Rooted Breathwork Class

March Rooted Breathwork Class

2 Wednesday night classes per month in March, April & May!

Welcome to Rooted Breathwork Classes, an opportunity to learn more and experience your most powerful ally - your breath! Join us for an hour twice a month to explore your breath, learn techniques you can use everyday, to become more present, regulated and learn to breathe well.

Using the theme “be like water”, from Lao Tzu and made popular by Bruce Lee, you will learn to build resiliency with your breath, and strength in your mind, which can impact how you show up in this confusing, sometimes painful yet beautiful world. Being rooted yet flowing.

Over this series, you will learn;

How to breathe optimally!

How to increase your self-awareness.

Functionality of your respiratory system.

Daily Breathwork exercises for calming & energizing.

Breathwork tips for better sleep.

Nervous System regulation tools.

Somatic practices for embodiment and grounding.

How to cultivate more presence.

Increase your capacity to feel pleasure.

Some of the benefits of a regular breathwork practise include;

Lowering blood pressure

Improving circulation

Improving digestion efficiency

Releasing toxins

Stimulating your vagus nerve

Regulating your nervous system

Reducing stress and anxiety

Improving your mood and self-esteem.

What past attendees have said about Rooted Breathwork Classes

“Your class is the perfect length and so gentle in guiding a “new breather” into relaxing into it and attuning to the breath”.

“Emerald creates a loving container of safety. Her presence is inclusive and welcoming. I felt comfortable showing up in this class and held in the breath work experience.”

Who is Rooted Breathwork Classes for?

Adults of all genders, who want to explore their breath. If you would like to have a deeper experience with your breath, check out Rooted Breathwork Circles being held on Sundays March 31, April 28, and May 19, 4-6.30pm at LiveWell Camas.

Who is Emerald May?

Emerald May is an international, Embodied Sex, Intimacy & Breathwork Coach, driven by a deep commitment to self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation. She centers her work on guiding individuals and parents to live a more embodied, connected and pleasure-filled life.

Like many of us, I am in a life-long un-learning around dismantling patriarchal, capitalist, colonial and racist culture and will hold space for you to the best of my ability having awareness of my privileged lived experience. I appreciate your feedback if you feel I am able to do better.

Please note that breathwork is not a substitute for consulting your medical or alternative healthcare provider. In the event of any known medical conditions (physical, mental or emotional), that could interfere with your judgment, or affect your health in any way during or after the session, please consult a health professional. By joining you consent to taking full responsibility for your own health and well-being and will be required to sign a consent waiver prior to the breathe.
You are welcome to email me hello@rootedpleasure.com with any questions.

I look forward to welcoming you home.

@rooted.breathwork // @rooted.pleasure


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March Sound Bath w/Hiroko

March Sound Bath w/Hiroko

Join us for our monthly sound bath offering with Hiroko. A SOUND BATH is a meditative experience during which a group of people lie down and listen to resonant sounds coming out of Crystal Bowls, Gongs, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Chimes, Tuning Forks, etc. for the purpose of relaxation, rejuvenation, grounding, and clearing the mind.

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Kundalini with Kim

Kundalini with Kim

Kim is BACK with a new Kundalini series at LiveWell to move your body, strengthen your nervous system and improve your overall well being. Kundalini is an ancient yoga practice that incorporates yoga postures with pranayama (breath work) meditation, mantras and deep relaxation. Experience yourself more deeply, release stress and strengthen your mind, body and spirit!

Come to one, two... or all of the classes in the series. All levels welcome. No experience necessary.

Class is 90 mins • Sliding Scale tuition $15-$25/class


Namaste! My name is Kim.

I have been practicing traditional Hatha type yoga since 2010 and discovered Kundalini in 2018. Working in a high-stress corporate environment at the time, Kundalini literally changed my life. It taught me how to release negative energy, change my behavior patterns and let go of the chaos around me through the power of pranayama, meditation and mantra in combination with specific yoga postures. I earned my KRI Instructor Certification under Hari Kaur Khalsa of Hari NYC in early 2022. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, riding my electric unicycle, paddle boarding, spending time with friends/family and exploring new places locally and afar.

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New Years Day Flow + Restore

New Years Day Flow + Restore

Monday January 1, 2024 • 4-5:30pm

Start the new year off by giving yourself the gift of movement, deep stretching and mindfulness. Join Maya in this special 90-minute New Years day class to set intentions, release what's no longer serving you and make space for what does! You'll flow through a heat-building vinyasa sequence and end with long stretches that take you through each major chakra (or energy center) in your body. Contemplations will be offered to you so you can move forward into the new year with a sense of more awareness of your true Self and how you want to show up in the world.

**This is a special class outside membership, so there is a sliding scale donation of $15 - $25.**

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Rooted Breathwork Circle: A Moment For Myself

Rooted Breathwork Circle: A Moment For Myself

Rooted Breathwork Circle: A Moment For Myself

DECEMBER 17th 4-6:30pm

At LiveWell Camas
417 NE Birch St
Camas, WA


About Rooted Breathwork Circle - A Moment for Myself

Are you seeking a friendly and nurturing way to create space for your self this winter time? Are you curious about building a regular breathwork practice or deepening your connection to your breath? Are you wanting to connect deeper with your community?

Welcome to Rooted Breathwork Circle – a sanctuary where you can find connection, personal growth, healing & wholing.

What is the intention for this Circle?

Our intention is to co-create a confidential container that flows with the needs of the group, offering people the opportunity to:

🌬️ Feel and express your emotions, in real time.

🌬️ Share the unique experiences of life in community

🌬️ Deepen your self awareness and connection to self

🌬️ Learn easy breathwork techniques to use daily 

What can you expect during the Circle?

🌬️ Introducing Everyday Breathwork Practices: Discover techniques that are like roots, grounding you in daily life, and keeping you centered amidst the ever-shifting seasons.

🌬️ Nervous System Harmony: Explore ways to nurture your nervous system, like tending to a flourishing garden. Learn to reduce stress, manage anxiety, and become adept at the art of emotional regulation and processing.

🌬️ Self-Exploration: Uncover insights about yourself, akin to discovering the hidden treasures in the heart of a lush forest, your relationships, and the world around you, all while being cradled and supported by fellow breathers.

Why am I offering this?

In a world that ceaselessly marches forward, urging us to be relentlessly "productive," we must grant ourselves the grace to connect, to treasure our worth, and to nourish our spirits. This is a sacred space, like the hush of the forest at twilight, where we consciously choose to pause, to embrace self-discovery, and to welcome self-care as gently as a spring breeze.

Let's carve out this sacred space, not only for ourselves but also for the well-being of our community. 

How Can Breathwork Help?

A regular breathwork practice has the power to rewire neural pathways and support you in connecting to your authentic self. Increasing self-awareness can help you become more present, break damaging cycles, shift reactionary patterns, and overcome unhelpful habits. It requires self-compassion, self-acceptance and radical self responsibility. We work together to strengthen your relationship with yourself, your children, and those around you, connecting you more deeply with living your life with integrity. Breathwork can offer numerous additional benefits, including toxin release, improved immune function, increased lung capacity, anxiety reduction, and relief from depression.

Who is this for?

Folks of all genders, who need a moment to themselves are warmly welcomed.

Like many of us, I am in a life-long un-learning around dismantling patriarchal, capitalist, colonial and racist culture and will hold space for you to the best of my ability having awareness of my privileged lived experience. Please be aware that during breathwork, past traumas may surface into your awareness. If you feel you need more support prior to the circles or afterwards, please reach out and we can discuss if I am the right person to support you, or I may refer you to someone else.

Please note that breathwork is not a substitute for consulting your medical or alternative healthcare provider. By joining you consent to taking full responsibility for your own health and well-being and will be required to sign a consent waiver prior to the breathe.

What is Conscious Connected Breathwork?

Conscious Connected Breathwork (CCB),  also known as rebirthing breathwork, offers a secure and gentle path to reconnect with your breath consciously and rhythmically, without interruptions. You are lovingly guided with music and voice and encouraged to remain in embodied consent with how deep you are wanting to breathe. Through CCB, you discover the power to regulate your nervous system and willingly enter altered states of consciousness, almost like exploring non-ordinary realities. 

Why consider Conscious Connected Breathwork?

As children, we aren't typically taught how to embrace our emotions in a fully embodied way, leaving these experiences trapped within our bodies. The result? Blocked energy that manifests as physical, emotional, and mental distress, along with a sense of disconnection from both ourselves and others. CCB serves as a transformative gateway to safely navigate and integrate your inner emotional landscapes, release pent-up tension, and access deep pleasure, all while reconnecting with your unique sense of wholeness.

The Journey with Conscious Connected Breathwork

Conscious Connected Breathing focuses on diaphragmatic breath, utilizing your entire lung capacity. It provides crucial support to your nervous system and allows your emotional and physical self to complete its natural stress response cycle. It's common to experience intense emotions during a breathwork session, and in this space, I offer compassion and non-judgmental support, inviting you to surrender to your experience fully. I am trauma-informed, which means I have taken additional trainings in learning how to support clients experiencing trauma responses in the moment. I am not a trauma therapist or a trauma coach. If you know you have experienced trauma and are currently working through trauma, please consult your therapist/practitioner and reach out to me to discuss your suitability for this circle.

I look forward to welcoming you home.

Thank you for enquiring more about Rooted Breathwork Circle at LiveWell Camas on December 17th,  4-6.30pm. If you have any further questions, please email hello@rootedpleasure.com and I will get back to you from December 11th. 


Emerald May is an international certified breathwork & intimacy coach, driven by a deep commitment to self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation. She centers her work on guiding women, mothers and parents to live a more embodied, authentic and pleasure-filled life. LEARN MORE: https://linktr.ee/Emeraldmay

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